“According to Donald Trump, My Body Is Probably Like, a Two”


_On the same night that Hillary Clinton was officially nominated as the Democratic candidate for president, Lena and her friend America Ferrera addressed the convention (and the nation!) with some thoughts on why Love Trumps Hate._

**Lena Dunham:** Hi, I’m Lena Dunham and according to Donald Trump, my body is probably, like a two.

**America Ferrera:** And I’m America Ferrera and according to Donald Trump, I’m probably a rapist.

**LD:** You’re not Mexican.

**AF:** And President Obama isn’t Kenyan, but that hasn’t stopped Donald.

**LD:** Now I know what you’re all thinking: Why should I care what some television celebrity has to say about politics?

**AF:** We feel the same way. But he _is_ the Republican nominee, so we need to talk about him.

**LD:** The un-funny fact is, this man would have you believe that our differences are more important than what unites us.

**AF:** The truth is that this country was founded on the belief that what sets us apart – race, language, religion, sexual orientation – should not dissolve what binds us.

**LD:** Which is why we’re proud to say, “we’re with Hillary!”

**AF:** As a child of Honduran immigrants, I am profoundly grateful for the access and opportunity that exists in this extraordinary nation. I was educated in public schools; my talents were nurtured through public arts programs and occasionally I needed a free meal to get through the school day. Not everyone looks at the millions of young people like me – children born into struggling families, children born to immigrant parents, children who are immigrants themselves – and sees an investment. But Hillary has spent the last 30 years proving what she sees in us. Not our color, gender, or economic status, but our capacity to grow into thriving adults able to contribute great things to this country.

**LD:** I’m a pro-choice, feminist, sexual assault survivor with a chronic reproductive illness. Donald and his party think I should be punished for exercising my constitutional rights, and his rhetoric about women takes us back to a time when we were meant to be beautiful and silent. Meanwhile, 22 years ago, Hillary declared that women’s rights are human rights. And she made it possible for my fellow sexual assault survivors in my home state of New York to have access to safe, immediate care in any emergency room. Hillary knows that access and opportunity are the American promise – not transphobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and systemic racism. She knows that hatred of all kinds is ours collectively to change, not to ignite for the craven purpose of seeking power.

**AF:** Donald’s not making America _great_ again, he’s making America _hate_ again. The vast majority of us cannot afford to see his vision of America come to be.

**LD:** Luckily, we the voters carry the future of this country. We don’t accept hatred as the norm in our communities – why would we accept it in the Oval Office?

**AF:** So to everyone here tonight and out there watching at home, here’s your chance to join Team Hillary.

**LD:** Do you want equal pay for equal work? The right to make decisions about your body? Paid family leave? As our queen says, “deal us in.”

**AF:** Text DEAL to 47246 and we will make you a card-carrying member of this team. Let’s forcefully reject division.

**LD:** Let’s say with one voice that we _all_ have worth; we’re _all_ part of this country.

**AF:** Let’s put Hillary in the White House…

**LD:** And declare…

**LD & AF:** Love trumps hate!