Music Monday: Get into the groove!


​ **What our Associate Editor Laia Garcia is listening to:** ​

A Twitter conversation over the weekend prompted me to revisit No Doubt’s discography – well, from *Tragic Kingdom* to *Rock Steady* , anyway – and their excellent but super underrated in my opinion “Waiting Room” which they wrote and recorded with Prince. I have this song in many playlists in my iPod (yes, I still have an iPod) and the truth is I never get tired of it. It’s groovy, and I love trying to pick out Prince’s vocals in the background. Also we’ve all been in the *waiting room* of a relationship, so there have been SO many moments where listening to this song is basically therapy. When Gwen sings “Ooh, you’re so mine!” everything becomes automatically better.​

**What our CEO Ben Cooley is listening to:**

If you want to know how I ended up working for a Feminist Media Empire we can trace it all back to my mom. Obviously. She gave me my first record player (a durable hunk of fisher price plastic) along with my a very special piece of vinyl,   *Free to Be You and Me*  (Produced by the creators of *Ms. Magazine* no less!). I wore the grooves off that record in a matter of months. I remember falling asleep every night to this jam from Diana Ross’: Check out the flutes and let the indoctrination seep in.

As a bonus track,  (1) is Roberta Flack and Michael Jackson’s version for the TV Show that accompanied the book and record. ​

**What our Assistant Dianca London is listening to:**

Yesterday was Nina Simone’s birthday, so her activism and her music have been very present in my heart and mind. A few months ago I went down a rabbit hole on Youtube, binging on videos of her live performances. After hours of watching Simone perform iconic songs like “Take Me To The Water” and “I Put A Spell On You,” I stumbled across a recording of her rendition of Aretha Franklin’s “Save Me” from 1969. The track itself has always resonated with me but the experience of hearing it sung by Simone and seeing the way that she embodied the stage was breathtaking. I watched the video repeatedly for nearly an hour and each time I came away with a feeling of gratitude and awe at the boldness of her voice.


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