Music Monday: A Little Nostalgia, and A Lot of Glam!


We love Mondays because we get to talk about music! This week the Lennys are feeling a bit of nostalgia, and a bit of love for some old-fashioned rock & roll. Get into it!

**What our Associate Editor Laia Garcia is listening to:**


It was too cold to put in my head phones on my walk to work today (or maybe I was just lazy?) but as soon as I sat at my desk I had a sudden urge to listen to Mecano, one of the pre-eminent Spanish pop bands from the ’80s and ’90s. They were my mom’s favorite band so there was no chance for me to not like them, but not that it took a lot of effort to do so either, singer Ana Torroja’s voice is incredible, and the beats that brothers Nacho and Jose Maria Cano put together, still feel fresh as heck. Every time I listen to them, it automatically brings back memories of being in the car with my mom, singing all the songs at the top of our lungs. It was hard to pick which song to share with you, but I figured “La Fuerza del Destino,” a song about a couple that cannot fight the destiny that keeps bringing them together, would be a good place, because it’s a total classic, but also, because even if you can’t understand Spanish, you can peep a young Penelope Cruz in the video.

**What our CEO Ben Cooley is listening to:**


1980. The first record I ever bought was Queen “Play the Game”. Ever since then my favorite male singers are the ones that don’t just hit the occasional high notes but basically live in the upper register. Right now I can’t get enough of (1)’ new record Dopamine. Here’s the single from the EP earlier this year. This dood is totally glam and fucking sexy as shit. Get on it!

**What our editor in chief Jessica Grose is listening to:**


I can’t believe I’ve never recommended Liz Phair on Music Monday before. Since we’re almost at Thanksgiving, and so many of you will be flying home, I wanted to recommend one of my favorite traveling songs—a deep cut from Exile in Guyville called “Stratford-On-Guy.” The entire song is a beautiful description of Phair flying back to her hometown, Chicago, and it starts off like this: “I was flying into Chicago at night/ Watching the lake turn the sky into blue-green smoke.” Bon voyage Lennys!

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