Music Monday: Feel Good Jams


**What Lena Dunham is listening to:**

I’ve loved Joan Armatrading ever since I was introduced to her by the *10 Things I Hate About You* soundtrack and she remains one of the most soulful dames in music history. Her voice, low and mournful, is irreplaceable and her lyrics are like shards of ancient, abstract poetry. This Annie Liebowitz album cover is worth a thousand words, but until you play “the weakness in me” while you weep in a bathtub, well, you ain’t heard nothing yet.​

**What Associate Editor Laia Garcia is listening to:**

It’s possible that this is one of my favorite songs of all time. On!Air!Library! existed for only a few years: 2 Ep’s and one full-length album in the early 2000’s where this song was on, and yet this song made its way deep into my soul, and my gut, carved a place inside my core. I remember laying in my little apartment in Philadelphia, I was a junior in college, listening to this song over and over again, amazed by its beauty and its sadness. It is absolutely a perfect song. And after all these years, hearing it still makes me feel inexplicable things. ​

**What our Assistant Dianca London is listening to**:

I’ve struggled with my body image for as long as I can remember. Puberty was not kind to me (is it kind to anyone?) and I spent most of my tween years harboring a host of bad feels about my looks. TLC’s “Unpretty” was pivotal in my journey towards learning to love and celebrate myself. The track’s lyricism instantly dispels the cultural stigma associated with self-loathing via harmony and somehow manages to be extremely personal, vulnerable, and universal all at once. It feels like a gift. ​